File: A6M2 Zero Aircraft Model: Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero Time Period: 1941 Country of Origin: Japan Notes of Interest: This is a replica of the famous Zero fighter. Most western aviation experts felt at the time that the Japanese couldn't build a world-class fighter aircraft. The Zero proved they were dead wrong.,File: Air Master Aircraft Model: Cessna Air Master Time Period: 1938 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Air Masters have fully-cantilevered wings; and crusing speeds of 140 mph.,File: AT-6 Aircraft Model: North American AT-6 Texan Time Period: 1938 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Almost all fighter pilots during World War II learned how to handle powerful fighter planes by first learning to handle the AT-6.,File: Avenger Aircraft Model: Grumman Avenger TBM-3 Time Period: 1942 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This is the type of aircraft that President George Bush flew (and was shot down in) during World War II. When he was shot down; his friend (who merely came along for the ride) died.,File: Avro Lancaster Aircraft Model: Avro Lancaster Time Period: 1941-1945 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: There are only two flying examples of Lancaster Bombers left. This one is from Canada; the other is stationed in England.,File: Avro Lancaster #2 Aircraft Model: Avro Lancaster Time Period: 1941-1945 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: The Lancaster was adapted to go on some very unusual bombing missions. For example; it was used to blow up German dams by dropping bombs that skipped like stones across the water. When the bombs reached the side of the dams they sank to the bottom; then exploded.,File: B-17G #2 Aircraft Model: Boeing B-17G "Flying Fortress" Time Period: 1940-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This aircraft was called the "Hollywood Bomber" by crews who flew other types of bombers because of all the "glory press" it got in the newspapers. ,File: B-17G #3 Aircraft Model: Boeing B-17G "Flying Fortress" Time Period: 1940-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: When a chin turret that could be fired from a remote gun sight was added to the B-17F models; it cut down on the effectiveness of the Germans' slashing head-on attacks.,File: B-17G #4 Aircraft Model: Boeing B-17G "Flying Fortress" Time Period: 1940-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The B-17 had four 1;200 hp Wright Cyclone R-1820 97 engines.,File: B-17G #5 Aircraft Model: Boeing B-17G "Flying Fortress" Time Period: 1940-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The B-17 had a crew of 10.,File: B-17G #6 Aircraft Model: Boeing B-17G "Flying Fortress" Time Period: 1940-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The B-17 carried thirteen 50 cal. machine guns. ,File: B-17G #7 Aircraft Model: Boeing B-17G "Flying Fortress" Time Period: 1940-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The B-17 would carry about 17;600 lbs bombs.,File: B-17G Flying Fortress Aircraft Model: Boeing B-17G "Flying Fortress" Time Period: 1940-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Later in the war all B-17's were flown with their aluminium bare-metal finishing exposed. This cut down on the weight of the aircraft and helped to increase their air speed.,File: B-24 Liberator Aircraft Model: Consolidated B-24 Liberator Time Period: 1934-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The B-24 had a top speed of 270 mph.,File: B-24 Liberator #2 Aircraft Model: Consolidated B-24 Liberator Time Period: 1934-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The B-24 had a crew of between six and eight.,File: B-24 Liberator #3 Aircraft Model: Consolidated B-24 Liberator Time Period: 1934-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The B-24 had four 1;200 hp Pratt & Whitney Twin Wasp R-1830 engines.,File: B-24 Liberator #4 Aircraft Model: Consolidated B-24 Liberator Time Period: 1934-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The B-24's maximum bomb load was 13;000 lbs.,File: B-24 Liberator #5 Aircraft Model: Consolidated B-24 Liberator Time Period: 1934-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The B-24 could carry up to thirteen 50 cal. machine guns.,File: B-29 Super Fortress Aircraft Model: Boeing B-29 SuperFortress Time Period: 1942 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This aircraft type was used to drop the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima; Japan.,File: B-47 Stratojet Aircraft Model: Boeing B-47 Stratojet Time Period: 1947 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Jimmy Stewart made a movie about the use of the B-47 by the US Air Force called "Strategic Air Command.",File: B5N Kate Aircraft Model: Nakajima B5N Kate Time Period: 1941 Country of Origin: Japan Notes of Interest: This is a replica. Aircraft of this type were used by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor.,File: Blimp Aircraft Model: Blimp Time Period: 1940's to present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Blimps were used by the US Navy to patrol ship convoys during World War II. No convoy that was escorted by a blimp ever lost a ship during the war. Most Goodyear blimps were at one time Navy airships; and were sold back to Goodyear after the war.,File: C-130 A/G Aircraft Model: Lockheed C-130A/G Hercules Time Period: 1954 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: In its time; these planes were considered by some to be the most verstile transport aircraft in the US Air Force inventory.,File: Ch-47C Chinook Aircraft Model: Boeing Ch-47C Chinook Time Period: 1961 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: There are over 16 armed forces world-wide using the Chinook today.,File: Chance-Vought Aircraft Model: Chance-Vought F-4U Time Period: 1942 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Also made by Firestone and called the FG-1D. These planes are sometimes referred to as the "Bent Winged Bird.",File: Chinook Aircraft Model: Boeing Ch-47C Chinook Time Period: 1961 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The Chinook is also licensed to be built in Japan and Italy.,File: Chinook Formation Aircraft Model: Boeing Ch-47C Chinook Time Period: 1961 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The Chinook is also licensed to be built in Japan and Italy.,File: Conard Wing Design Aircraft Model: Home-built Time Period: 1980's? Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: "Home-built" aircraft are being built nowadays with all sorts of new technology. This one features solar panels.,File: Curtiss Aircraft Model: Curtiss JN4-D Jenny Time Period: 1917 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: America's barn-storming aircraft of the 1920's. This was the aircraft that Charles Lindburg owned when he started his flying career.,File: Curtiss JN4-D Jenny Aircraft Model: Curtiss JN4-D Jenny Time Period: 1917 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: There are a fair number of orignal Jennys still flying across the United States. The Jenny uses a wide leather strap to keep the engine cover down when in flight. This strap is just like the ones used on old steamer ship trunks.,File: D-17 Staggerwing Aircraft Model: Beechcraft D-17 Staggerwing Time Period: 1939 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This picture shows both an original and a model.,File: D-23 Dragon Aircraft Model: Douglas D-23 Dragon Time Period: 1939 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This particular aircraft was owned by Howard Hughes at one time. He used it for business purposes.,File: D-23 Dragon #2 Aircraft Model: Douglas D-23 Dragon Time Period: 1939 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The D-23 was obsolete as a bomber by the time the US entered World War II. It was originally designed to carry a machine gun in its tail for protection.,File: Fokker Triplane Aircraft Model: Fokker Dr 1 Time Period: 1917 Country of Origin: Germany Notes of Interest: This is a reproduction. World War I leading ace Manfred von Richthofen was killed in this type of plane on April 21st; 1918. He was called the "Bloody Red Baron" by the British because of the vermillion red aircraft dope that covered most of his planes.,File: Fokker Triplane #2 Aircraft Model: Fokker Dr 1 Time Period: 1917 Country of Origin: Germany Notes of Interest: The Fokker Dr 1 had a rotary 110 Oberursel engine onto which the prop was bolted. The entire engine would spin with the prop. Most rotary aircraft engines at that time were designed that way.,File: Fokker Triplane #3 Aircraft Model: Fokker Dr 1 Time Period: 1917 Country of Origin: Germany Notes of Interest: This was one of the Red Baron's planes. The Dr 1's wings and aircraft body were covered with silk; which was thought to increase the plane's speed as a result of the silk's smooth surface.,File: Fokker Triplane #4 Aircraft Model: Fokker Dr 1 Time Period: 1917 Country of Origin: Germany Notes of Interest: The Red Baron scored most of his victories in an Albatros fighter; not in the Triplane. If the Red Baron had lived a few months longer he would likely have started using the Fokker D-7 fighter; which was considered by both sides to be the best fighter of the war.,File: Ford Trimotor Aircraft Model: Ford Trimotor Time Period: 1926 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The Ford Trimotor was not a quiet aircraft to fly in. Most passagers who failed to bring any ear protection with them on a long flight would be deaf for days after arriving at their destination.,File: Ford Trimotor #2 Aircraft Model: Ford Trimotor Time Period: 1926 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: On most models of this aircraft the engine had to be started by hand-cranking an inertia starter.,File: Hawker Hurricane Aircraft Model: Hawker Hurricane Time Period: 1937 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: This aircraft was really the hero of the "Battle of Britain." England had more Hurricanes then Spitfires; and the Hurricanes were used to attack the German bombers while the Spitfires attacked the fighter escorts.,File: Hawker Sea Fury Aircraft Model: Hawker Sea Fury Time Period: 1948 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: Developed during World War II for the RAF and Navy; the Hawker Fury and Sea Fury did not fare well during a time of post-war budget-cutting. It was not until the war in Korea that the Fury proved itself to be a capable fighter-bomber. The Fury was even able to hold its own against the jet-powered MIG-15's of the North Koreans.,File: Hawker Sea Fury #2 Aircraft Model: Hawker Sea Fury Time Period: 1948 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: The Fury was exported to a number of foreign countries. ,File: Hawker Sea Fury #3 Aircraft Model: Hawker Sea Fury Time Period: 1948 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: Castro's goverment used Furys in 1960. Fifteen ex-Royal Navy aircraft were delivered to Cuba in 1959. ,File: Junkers JU-52 Aircraft Model: Junkers Ju-52/3M Time Period: 1933 Country of Origin: Germany Notes of Interest: This aircraft was the Luftwaffe's standard troop-carrier during World War II. ,File: Junkers Ju-52 #2 Aircraft Model: Junkers Ju-52/3M Time Period: 1932 Country of Origin: Germany Notes of Interest: Though it was developed in the early 1930's; the Luftwaffe used the Ju-52 during World War II for every conceivable purpose--from delivering weapons on snow skiis in Russia; to carrying a hard duralumin hoop for exploding magnetic mines.,File: N3N-3 Aircraft Model: Naval Aircraft Factory N3N-3 Time Period: 1940 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This plane was built for the Coast Guard. Some of the N3N-3's were built with duralumin salvaged from the wreckage of Navy Ridge Airships.,File: N3N-3 #2 Aircraft Model: Naval Aircraft Factory N3N-3 Time Period: 1940 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This plane was used as a crop-duster after the war.,File: N3N-3 #3 Aircraft Model: Naval Aircraft Factory N3N-3 Time Period: 1940 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The N3N was a two-seater that flew at 90 mph.,File: N3N-3 #4 Aircraft Model: Naval Aircraft Factory N3N-3 Time Period: 1940 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The N3N was powered by a 235 hp Wright engine.,File: N3N-3 #5 Aircraft Model: Naval Aircraft Factory N3N-3 Time Period: 1940 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The N3N's were painted all yellow; and were called the "Yellow Peril" by students.,File: OTW Aircraft Model: Meyers OTW Time Period: 1943 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Used during World War II to train civilian pilots; the featured plane houses either a 5-cylinder Kinner or a 7-cylinder Warner engine.,File: OTW #2 Aircraft Model: Meyers OTW Time Period: 1943 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Used during World War II to train civilian pilots; the featured plane houses either a 5-cylinder Kinner or a 7-cylinder Warner engine.,File: P-38 Lightning Aircraft Model: Lockheed P-38 Lightning Time Period: 1939-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The P-38 Lightning made its flying debut in January; 1939; and its service debut in mid-1941.,File: P-38 Lightning #2 Aircraft Model: Lockheed P-38 Lightning Time Period: 1939-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: P-38 Lightnings were used to ambush the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto; who was flying in a Mitsubishi G4M "Betty" bomber. Yamamoto was the archtect of the Pearl Harbor attack.,File: P-38 Lightning #3 Aircraft Model: Lockheed P-38 Lightning Time Period: 1939-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The P-38 Lightning was used in both the European and Pacific theaters during World War II.,File: P-38 Lightning #4 Aircraft Model: Lockheed P-38 Lightning Time Period: 1939-1945 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The P-38 Lightning was called the "Forked-Tail Devil" by the enemy.,File: P-40K Warhawk Aircraft Model: Curtiss P-40K Warhawk Time Period: 1940 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: P-40's were used by American pilots to fight the Japanese in China in the famous "Flying Tigers.",File: P-51 Aircraft Model: North American P-51 Mustang Time Period: 1940 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This long-range fighter made deep penetration-bombing into Germany by American B-17's really possible. The German fighters had to get through the P-51's to get to the bombers.,File: Mustang Aircraft Model: North American P-51 Mustang Time Period: 1940 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This plane is considered World War II's best all-around fighter.,File: Mustang #2 Aircraft Model: North American P-51 Mustang Time Period: 1940 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This plane was designed as a new fighter for the British RAF in place of the P-40; which was in short supply.,File: Mustang #3 Aircraft Model: North American P-51 Mustang Time Period: 1940 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The P-51 was used in the Korean War as well as a number of South American wars into the 1960's.,File: Mustang #4 Aircraft Model: North American P-51 Mustang Time Period: 1940 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The Mustang was first fitted with an Allison engine. However; not until it received a Merlin engine from England did it become the tough Mustang of fame.,File: P-51 Mustang #5 Aircraft Model: North American P-51 Mustang Time Period: 1940 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The P-51 carried Six 50 cal. machine guns.,File: Mustang #6 Aircraft Model: North American P-51 Mustang Time Period: 1940 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The Mustang had a top speed of 437 mph.,File: PBY-5 Catalina Aircraft Model: Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina Time Period: 1936-1946 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This aircraft was a savior to many a downed pilot in the Pacific war.,File: PBY-5 Catalina #2 Aircraft Model: Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina Time Period: 1936-1946 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The PBY was used in the freezing cold of Alaska as well as the heat of the South Pacific. The British and the Russians also used it.,File: PBY-5 Catalina #3 Aircraft Model: Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina Time Period: 1936-1946 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The PBY could carry bombs under its wings; and was very effective as an anti-submarine bomber.,File: PB4-5 Catalina #4 Aircraft Model: Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina Time Period: 1936-1946 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: All black-matt versions of the PBY called "Black Cats" were used for laying mines. These mines were responsible for sinking tons of Japanese freight.,File: PT-13 Aircraft Model: Stearman PT-13 Time Period: 1943 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: A Rockwell B-1B bomber is in back of the PT-13.,File: PT-13D Aircraft Model: Stearman PT-13D Time Period: 1943 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The PT-13D was the primary training plane for the USA during World War II.,File: PT-13D #2 Aircraft Model: Stearman PT-13D Time Period: 1943 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: New pilot cadets had to master the Stearman before they were allowed to move on to the bigger and more powerful AT-6.,File: PT-13D #3 Aircraft Model: Stearman PT-13D Time Period: 1943 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Many Stearmans ended up as crop dusters after the war; and many are still being used that way today.,File: PT-13D #4 Aircraft Model: Stearman PT-13D Time Period: 1943 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The PT-13D was a rugged and dependable aircraft. It needed to be in order to survive the hands of pilot cadets in training.,File: PT-17 Aircraft Model: Spearman PT-17 Time Period: 1943 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This plane is another varient of the Spearman.,File: Reliant Gullwing Aircraft Model: Stinson SR-7 Reliant/Gullwing Time Period: 1938 Country of Origin: USA,File: S-2C Tracker Aircraft Model: Grumman Tracker S-2C Time Period: 1952 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The S-2 was designed to detect; identify; track; and then destroy subs; surface vessels; and any other threats. It is one of the longest-serving aircraft in the US Navy--from the 1950's to the present.,File: Sea Fury Aircraft Model: Hawker Sea Fury Time Period: 1948 Country of Origin: United Kingdom,File: SNJ-3 Texan Aircraft Model: North American Rockwell SNJ-3 Texan Time Period: 1938 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The SNJ-3 is considered the most important Allied training aircraft in World War II. It is still a favorite in the air show circuit as a stunt plane.,File: SNJ-5 Texan Aircraft Model: North American Rockwell SNJ-5 Texan Time Period: 1938 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The SNJ-5 was used during World War II as a primary trainer for fighters.,File: SNJ-5 Texan #2 Aircraft Model: North American Rockwell SNJ-5 Texan Time Period: 1938 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The SNJ-5 was called a Harvard by the British and its Commonwealth.,File: SNJ-5 Texan #3 Aircraft Model: North American Rockwell SNJ-5 Texan Time Period: 1938 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: More than 20;000 of these planes were built between 1935 and 1954.,File: SNJ-5 Texan #4 Aircraft Model: North American Rockwell SNJ-5 Texan Time Period: 1938 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The SNJ-5 was built in America; Canada; Australia; Japan; and Sweden.,File: Spitfire Aircraft Model: Supermarine Spitfire Time Period: 1936-1954 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: The Spitfire is the best known of all British fighter aircraft. It was designed by R.J. Mitchell. ,File: Spitfire Trainer Aircraft Model: Supermarine Spitfire Time Period: 1936-1954 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: A twin-seat trainer. The first Spitfire prototype flew in March of 1936.,File: SR-7 Gullwing Aircraft Model: Stinson SR-7 Reliant/Gullwing Time Period: 1938 Country of Origin: USA,File: Stearman N2-S3 Aircraft Model: Stearman N2-S3 Time Period: 1941 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The N2-S3 is another version of the Stearman trainer. ,File: Straight Wing Aircraft Model: Waco 10 Straightwing Time Period: 1928 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The Straightwing evolved into the Taperwing.,File: Stratofreight Tanker Aircraft Model: Boeing KC-97L/C-97 Stratofreight Tanker Time Period: 1950's Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This plane was converted into a restaurant; then converted back into an airplane!,File: Supermarine Spitfire Aircraft Model: Supermarine Spitfire Time Period: 1936-1954 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: This aircraft; along with the Hawker Hurricane; beat back the Germans during the summer of 1940; a period now known as the "Battle of Britain.",File: Supermarine Spitfire #2 Aircraft Model: Supermarine Spitfire Time Period: 1936-1954 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: A carrier version of the Spitfire was called the Seafire. A total of 2556 Seafires were built; compared with 20;351 Spitfires.,File: Supermarine Spitfire #3 Aircraft Model: Supermarine Spitfire Time Period: 1936-1954 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: Spitfires used in the desert war zones had special sand filters added under their noses to help keep sand out of the engine. These filters greatly altered the smooth-shaped lines of the aircraft.,File: Supermarine Spitfire #4 Aircraft Model: Supermarine Spitfire; Time Period: 1936-1954 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: Twenty-four versions of the Spitfire were developed.,File: Supermarine Spitfire #5 Aircraft Model: Supermarine Spitfire Time Period: 1936-1954 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: This Spitfire is a twin-seater training aircraft used in the Irish Air Force. ,File: Taperwing Aircraft Model: Waco Taperwing Time Period: 1929-? Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The Taperwing was (and is) a great plane for aerobatics.,File: Triplane Aircraft Model: Fokker Dr 1 Triplane Time Period: 1917 Country of Origin: Germany Notes of Interest: The Triplane's body is made up of steel tubing with an aircraft doped canvas covering. The Dr 1 was not a fast aircraft; but with three wings it could climb fast and was a very quick turning fighter. It was not a friendly aircraft to a novice pilot--you had to fly it at all times. ,File: UC-78B Bobcat Aircraft Model: Cessna UC-78B Bobcat Time Period: 1940's Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The Bobcat was nicknamed the "Bambo Bomber" and "Rhapsody in Blue" by pilots.,File: Waco Taperwing Aircraft Model: Waco Taperwing Time Period: 1929 Country of Origin: USA,File: Waco UPF-7 Aircraft Model: Waco UPF-7 Time Period: 1940 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This plane was used heavily during the Second World War in the Civilian Pilot Training Program.,File: Waco UPF-7 #2 Aircraft Model: Time Period: Country of Origin: Notes of Interest: This plane was used heavily during the Second World War in the Civilian Pilot Training Program.,File: Waco UPF-7 #3 Aircraft Model: Time Period: Country of Origin: Notes of Interest: This plane was used heavily during the Second World War in the Civilian Pilot Training Program.